We’re not saying we’ll never do it again, but for now we’re out of the game. We’ll keep the site and the mailing list and let you know the next time we plan something.
The reason: The Brave is a labour of love which depends on a bunch of really funny-looking but incredible friends and family members volunteering. The thing is, everyone’s growing up and getting real jobs and making babies and putting in hundreds of hours for free in our peak season is getting tough. A couple of years of losing money due to Corona didn’t help either.
Thanks for being part of The Brave; you’re pretty awesome!
Anyway, keep in touch. We have a collective which works in the Event branch; if you want to be part of that, send an email.
Also, Fruittuin van West has regular events, so keep an eye on their site.
Sad News Guys, we are stopping Festival The Brave
The Brave is Amsterdam's first music festival focused solely on singer-songwriters, indie and folk music. You won't find a single DJ for love or money.
The Brave pitches its tent in the beautiful Fruittuin van West, aka 'The Tuscany of Amsterdam.' an organic orchard bursting with fruit and vegetables, where animals roam the grounds freely.

for now*
...and many more TBA!
Exercising to relax
During The Brave 2021 you'll once again be able to get a moment of peace with our Yoga workshops!

Exercising to relax
Yeah, yeah, we can be hip too. This year you'll once again be able to get a moment of peace (away from those rowdy singer-songwriters) with our Yoga workshops!

Ecstatic Dance
The ingredients are simple:
No shoes- no Booze- no talking.
Lose yourself in the music and experience the pure ecstasy of dancing.

Like always, you'll be able to enjoy a broad selection of tasty, organic and local food.
Stone oven pizza, artisanal fries and oh, lets not forget the drinks!